輔大管理學院 X 台北市美國商會完美對談
日 期 : 2014/09/27(六)上午10:00 -11:30
地 點 : 國璽樓一樓國際會議廳 MD152
講 題 : Leadership
"Leadership defines the success of a company. Multinational companies face additional challenges in developing leadership across cultures and languages. The discussion will focus on the importance of leadership and challenges for leadership development for international companies. "
講 者 : Dr. Scott Meikle
President, Inotera Memories
Vice Chairman, American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei
Co-chair, technology Committee, American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei
報名網址 : 請立即連結輔仁大學活動報名系統 (http://activity.dsa.fju.edu.tw/ ),搜尋活動ID: 23354 直接上網報名
活動洽詢 : 輔大管理學院 于惠禎 / 02-2905-2892